Monday, February 25, 2008

Or Not

We decided it was too cold and slippery on Saturday to run the actual race, so we did a short run at the gym instead, and put off the longer run Sunday. Of course Sunday was still snowy, but we went to a trail that's been plowed in previous years.

Some of it was plowed this year too, but we had to run on the street for a bit to find a plowed section--and then we ran past the end of the plowed section and had to run on the street again. But there were only a few slippery spots (2 sections where the trail was covered with a couple of inches of ice--must be low enough there that last week's rain pooled and didn't run off), and the sun was out and I warmed up right away. Kevin, not so much--he finally felt like he might not die of exposure after about 90 minutes. Which is weird, since I'm the one who's always cold when I'm not exercising (perhaps it has something to do with being made of fire and air?).

Speaking of fire and air, that yoga class was canceled (because no one else signed up), so I can get a refund, but it's not my actions that mean the other person doesn't get to take the class. Hurray!

I had another random thought that would be interesting to no one but me, but I've forgotten it.

In knitting news, I have an ancient picture of the Baby Surprise Jacket (which I have now finished knitting, trimmed with orange, and sewn up... really, it looks nothing like this picture anymore).

I'd hoped to knit a whole bunch last night--Kevin has swimming practice, but Monday is the day I recuperate from running a million miles on Sunday--but instead I got caught up in writing up and formatting patterns. All very good, since it needed to be done, but it meant that I didn't get to knit at all and was very cranky by bedtime.

1 comment:

jennsquared said...

I totally know what you are talking about. I'm planning on doing some knitting tonight myself, but then all my beads came so now I'm torn on what I want to do...