Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Yarn Paraphernalia

Here's the rest of my new yarn from last week: 4 more skeins of Laurel (100% cotton) from Schaefer Yarns, in the color way Lillian Galbreth. I'm actually thinking that maybe some of the Laurel (this one, or from a couple of days ago) would be a good prize, if I ever wanted to have a contest. Maybe half of each color for me, and half as a prize? I really like this yarn--in addition to the color, it's mercerized, and so shiny--but 1600 yards of each seems excessive for one person.

And here's the prize yarn I won from Debby, Chris and spokescat Charlie's fundraising drawing for Get Your Guts In Gear: skeins of laceweight merino in chocolate from Live2Knit. Go see their pictures from the ride! What a great thing to do--I'm especially impressed by riding that far (70 miles) on three consecutive days, since one night of sleep is nowhere near enough to recover and feel ready to get on the bike again.

But back to the yarn for a sec, this is one of the yarns I'm thinking about using for my Mystery Stole--the others are a half and half wool and silk blend from Schaefer Yarn (it's called Trenna, and mine is purple), and some 100% silk from Schaefer, in the same pale colors as the cotton up above. I haven't swatched yet, because I like to live on the edge. Someone on the list for this project suggested that the theme (which isn't revealed till partway through) might be Pirates of the Caribbean, because the designer said white or black would work well. I liked the first movie well enough (back when we saw movies, before we started going to sleep in mid-afternoon... I don't think we've been to a movie theater yet in 2007, although sometimes we try to go in early January, just to get it out of the way for the year), but I'm hoping for another theme.

And I kind of finished some socks... kind of because when I went to photograph them, I noticed that one cuff is one repeat longer than the other (although Kevin and I tried to hide it when we took this picture). I have a little bit of this yarn left, even though I also made some booties after I finished the socks, so I may lengthen the short one. But then again I may not, because I bound off using the Kitchner bind off, and it's a pain to undo. The yarn is from Riin at Happy Fuzzy Yarn, and the pattern is mine, using the Seaweed pattern from the second Walker treasury.

(The title, by the way, is from Kevin--when I received the unpteenth yarn-related package in the mail, and explained that I was NOT getting yarn every day, sometimes it was accessories!--he decided that yarn paraphernalia counts as yarn. Crazy!)


jennsquared said...

Cool! Where did you get the sock looking thing to stretch the socks? I need to get a pair for myself, after joining summer of socks!

Anonymous said...

I am envious of all your yarn mail!

The chocolate yarn will make a wonderful shawl if you choose to use that! Thank you again for supporting our ride.

Can I tempt you to join us for the Tour de France KAL? :)