Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Very Speedy!

Not my running, but this post.

1. I finished the marathon, in slightly longer than my first marathon (I'm wildly annoyed about this, and am trying not to think about it).

2. My legs were very sore Monday and yesterday, but now I can walk, stand, and go up and down stairs without moaning quietly to myself. Hurray!

3. Even though I was off on Monday, work was a flurry of activity yesterday. That, plus the marathon, meant that all I wanted to do last night was collapse with easy knitting (more scrap hats!). So sorry for leaving you in suspense.

4. Work is still a flurry of activity today (my department has been working on a project all year that ends today, and while I've played a pretty minor role in most of it, I've been very involved in the final event).

Must go!


Anna said...

Congrats on finishing the marathon!!!

Cindy G said...

Hey, I'm so impressed at even running the marathon that time is immaterial to my awe.

knitseashore said...

Congratulations on finishing the marathon, and being able to function afterward! And a belated happy birthday to you too! I hope you were spoiled in fibery goodness.

bookwoman said...

Congrats on finishing the marathon! I'm in awe (I don't run to my car in the rain, so a marathon is beyond comprehension). And happy belated birthday.