On my desk! With terrible light and a weird spot from the flash/desk lamp interaction!
Rewarding my determined knitting on Thursday, Friday was an excellent mail day. Gale brought a copy of her book, Shear Spirit to knitting a while back, and I fell in love with the Montana Tunic too (although I am tall, I will probably not wear it while fly-fishing either). I pre-ordered it then, and was getting more and more impatient as other people got theirs.
But mine is here now!
In the same order, I bought Sensational Skirts, all about different ways to embellish skirts. I sew half-heartedly, and buy a lot of skirt patterns which I don't make (when they're on sale for $1... this is not the wildly expensive habit it might be!). I finally realized that I don't need more skirt patterns, I need ideas for making more interesting skirts from the patterns I already have, and I'm hoping this will help.
And yarn! I responded to a post from Brooklyn Handspun on Ravelry, looking for designers to write patterns for her yarn, and after a few emails back and forth, my yarn arrived on Friday. This isn't an accurate picture any more--I've wound the yarn and already knit most of the foot of the first sock, and will try to take pictures at lunch today. It's lovely--the green (called Shazam!) is spring-y and nearly solid, which is my favorite kind of colorway.
Speaking of yarn, I was remarkably restrained at Webs. I visited all the sale yarn, but only bought a skein of navy sock yarn to make more socks for Kevin. Poor Kevin... ever since I finally started wearing my own hand-knit socks last winter, I have been a sock-knitting maniac (I knit at least a pair a month all year, and often two) but he's only gotten two pairs.
Ooh, that is a good mail day!
And tell Kevin that he's lucky that he's not my husband. I've been working on that sweater for almost 2 years now.
Imagine how long a pair of socks would take.
poor Kevin. But just imagine this - David only gotten one pair of socks since I started knitting, which is mid 2005!!!! Granted he was the one who told me he doesn't want anything, which is just as well, cuz otherwise, I will probably have the same wish that Sunflowerfairy does - my next husband is going to be the size of goldfish.
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