Friday, February 27, 2009

In the "Useless Recommendation" Department...

I definitely recommend working from home (this is useless because duh, of course it's good, but not always possible... like the flight attendant who told the man next to Kevin and me on the cramped, endless flight to Singapore that he would have been more comfortable if he had flown First Class).

Anyway, it's lovely. Because rowing has not changed its schedule to accommodate me (and why not?), I still have to get myself out of bed and to the gym by 5:45 AM both days I work at home. But that's not actually such a bad thing, because once it's over, it's still early, so I go home, change into my running clothes (this part is key, because if I shower and put on real clothes at this stage, there's no chance I'll run later), and work till it's nearly lunch time, then run, shower, eat, and work some more.

The one downside is that I think I'm somehow knitting less because instead of knitting at lunch time, I feel compelled to do laundry, or the dishes, or eat while working (which I cannot do AT work because food isn't allowed in the archives). Probably that will wear off though!

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