Monday, December 22, 2008

Sorted, Mostly

Somehow, it's easier (and involves less time in transit) to fly to Amman, then go on to Jerusalem, than to go directly from Cairo to Jerusalem. So, that's what we're doing (there was a brief and happy period when we thought this would be nearly free, thanks to frequent flier miles, but with the fees and taxes, it's not. But it does mean we should get to see Petra, for about 47 seconds, so that's a plus.)

And, thanks to diligent effort yesterday, we're mostly packed (iPod cord!), most of the existing presents are wrapped, great progress has been made on last minute knitting (the knitting was completely under control till I added a sweater... which technically doesn't need to be done exactly on Christmas, so there's plenty of time, right? With all the passenger-ing I have coming up?), and I'm less than 50 minutes of rowing away from the higher of the 2 challenge distances. (I'm planning to do that at lunch, since I'm not sure about the erg situation at the hotel, and I need to finish by Christmas eve.)

Speaking of last minute knitting, you will be amazed to learn that some of it was socks! Pair 30 is finished (pictures once the recipient provides them), and pair 31 is underway (as long as I finish them by the end of December, I'll be on schedule so far). I have a zillion leftover bits of yarn, so it may be time to make baby socks, once I'm back home in January (baby socks seem like a bad travel project, since there's so much finishing relative to actual knitting). Speedy!

1 comment:

Baby Beth said...

Have safe flights and happy holidays! I'm glad you got everything figured out and hopefully being in Israel on a Saturday won't be too much trouble for Kevin and you. If you make it to the Western (Wailing) Wall, say hi to it for me. I miss it so much. Beautiful. I'm very jealous.