Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Look! Socks!

So, here are most of the pictures I've been promising...

Pair 1: toe up, short row heel, size 1 needles, Anne yarn.

It occurred to me as I was finishing these that maybe bamboo needles with a mohair blend wasn't the best idea ever--no wonder they seemed to go really slowly (for non-knitters, bamboo and mohair are both sticky, so it's harder to slide your stitches along the needle). Or, slowly compared to how fast I wanted them to go--I started them on June 1 and finished on June 8, so really, it wasn't slow at all.

My knitting time during the week has been dramatically increased by the warm weather--I can knit and walk without risk of frostbite at last! Heat exhaustion may be a concern, however.

(Speaking of knitting and doing something else, while Kevin and I tandemed on Saturday, I discovered that I can balance with no hands--so I could theoretically knit while biking. Kind of seems like a bad idea, but maybe I could do it just for a second while someone films it? Just to show that it's possible?)

Half of pair 2: toe up, short row heel, size 2 needles, Socks that Rock medium-weight yarn.

It's amazing how much faster these are going--I've finished this one and knit a couple of inches of the second since yesterday, without much knitting time (I blame working out for taking up too much time!).

Which is good news because of the whole pair-a-week thing, and because I got new yarn in the mail:

The color's not quite right because I took the picture inside, but those are Schaefer's new subtly solid botanicals. The green one is Sedum in Laurel, the red one is... something... in Laurel is for me, and the Heather and Anne are for new designs--not exactly sure what, but deciding will be fun!


Hunny said...

I like the look of the second pair. I have a few skeins of STR medium. is that just a plain toe up 2x2 rib or something else? I can't tell from the picture. maybe it is the colorway that I am drawm to

old lady said...

Your socks look great! Love the shades in the green ones. Those yarns you got are yummy! Enjoy figuring out what to make from them - and show pictures!!

Cindy G said...

yay pictures!
Seriously, do the bike video. I'm envisioning viral on You Tube.
Can't decide which of the new colors I like best, the pale green or the red.