Monday, October 10, 2011


On Thursday, I had to wait for a delivery for hours (away from home), and was sadly under prepared--I ran out of podcasts, and nearly ran out of books and yarn. This time, I have plenty of yarn, podcasts, and e-books... But no pen, scissors, or yarn needle.

This is troubling because I'm hoping to finish this:

In time to wear it to Rhinebeck this weekend. It still needs one shoulder, some trim, and a turtleneck/cowl. It's called Wallis, a Rowan pattern from 2005. I've wanted to knit it since I first saw it, but I held back because it's a little bit... poncho-y... But I finally caved.

I'll try to report back on the poncho quotient once it's done and worn!

1 comment:

anphoe said...

Nice pattern, I can't wait to see the sweater in person!!!